Hai friends, I am RAKESH KRISHNA. Im residing at N.Paravur in Kerala state. Kerala is well known as GOD'S OWN COUNTRY...
I am doing my graduation course in SNAS kedamangalam. Im a final year BSC. Computer science student. Compters are my world. I am concentrated in NETWORKING field. I am interested in LINUX OS. coz, LINUX is always many times better than any other OS. And it prevent your system from VIRUS attack.
So friends, use linux os rather than windows. You can Download almost all Linux Distribution (almost, not all) take a look at this link: http://distrowatch.com. There you will find the status of every Linux Flavors and a link to it's site.. then go to the Distribution site you choose and search for Download. Or try free ubuntu distributions from shipit.ubuntu.com
If you have any queries, send me an e-mail to rakesh133@gmail.com or donraash@rediffmail.com.